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Laser Welding Cleaning Technology

Nursing laser cleaning is divided into two categories: one is the stone and the appearance of the dust attached to a wavelength of laser energy absorption coefficient of different, so that the laser energy is fully absorbed by the dirt absorbed, and then by thermal expansion or vaporization evaporation, And vaporization of the composition of the vapor flow from the stone to achieve the purpose of cleaning. The other is the stone and the appearance of the attachment of the high powered laser pointer beam absorption coefficient is different from the laser beam is adjusted to a specific energy value, without destroying the stone surface, while the surface attachment can be high-power pulse laser shock stone surface , So that part of the beam into sound waves, sound waves in the impact of stone after the appearance of back, the return of some of the laser and the role of sound waves to form a resonance wave, so that a slight burst of crack, resulting in crushing, and thus from the stone appearance.

With laser welding and cutting process has been many years of history, but with laser cleaning stone surface is a relatively young technology. Although this process can remove all organic materials, but in the stone care process applications until recently began. I believe that with the development of laser and laser cleaning technology continues to improve, will be in a variety of cleaning areas get more and more applications.

The quality of laser cutting machine is mainly to see the quality of cutting, which is the most direct way to test the quality of equipment. For new customers, in the purchase of equipment will require look at the laser cutting machine proofing, proofing in addition to watching the cutting speed of the device, it is to look at the quality of cutting the sample. Laser cutting section will form a vertical pattern, the depth of the groove determines the roughness of the cutting surface, the more shallow the lines, the more smooth cutting section. Roughness not only affects the appearance of the edge, but also affect the friction characteristics, in most cases, the need to minimize the roughness, so the more shallow lines, the higher the quality of cutting. The verticality of the cutting edge is very important, away from the focus, the 1000mw green laser beam becomes divergent, depending on the position of the focus, the cutting is widened toward the top or bottom. The cutting edge deviates from the vertical line by a few millimeters, the more vertical the edge, the higher the cutting quality.

Cutting width. The width of the cut does not generally affect the quality of the cut, and the cut width has an important effect only when a particularly precise profile is formed inside the part, since the width of the cut determines the minimum internal meridian of the profile. The increase. So want to ensure the same high precision, no matter how much the width of the workpiece, the workpiece in the laser cutting machine processing area should be constant.

High-speed cutting thick plate, the molten metal does not appear in the vertical 3000mw laser pointer beam below the incision, but will be sprayed in the laser beam behind. As a result, the curved lines are formed at the cutting edge, and the lines follow the moving laser beam. To correct this problem, the feed rate is reduced at the end of the cutting process, and the behavior of the lines can be largely eliminated. The formation of the burrs determines a very important factor in the quality of the laser cutting, since the removal of the burrs requires additional effort, so the amount of burrs is serious and how much is able to visually determine the quality of the cutting.

The laser cutting machine first touches a special liquid with oil on the surface of the workpiece before it begins to melt and pierce. During the cutting process, due to gasification and the various materials are not used, the customer uses the wind to blow the cut, but the upward or downward discharge will also form deposition on the surface. Depression and corrosion. Depression and corrosion have an adverse effect on the surface of the cutting edge, affecting the appearance. They appear in the general should be avoided in the cutting error. Heat affected area. In 5000mw green laser cutting, the area is heated along the area near the incision. At the same time, the structure of the metal changes. For example, some metals will harden. The heat affected area refers to the depth of the area where the internal structure changes. If the cutting causes the part to drastically heat, it will deform. This is especially important in fine machining because the contours and connectors here are usually only a few millimeters wide. Control of laser power and the use of short laser pulses can reduce component heat and avoid deformation.

Laser cutting machine in the cutting process, the auxiliary gas is essential! Which we often use oxygen and nitrogen, of course, the higher the purity of the gas, the quality of cutting will be better. So, in order to achieve a better cutting effect, the requirements of the auxiliary gas is relatively high! Although the air can be used as auxiliary gas, but because the air contains water and oil, if not treated, will cause the lens pollution, cutting head instability, so that the cutting effect and quality is not compliance. Therefore, in the use of air cutting, the need for fiber burning laser pen cutting machine equipped with cold and dry machine, so that a very good solution to this problem. The cold and dry machine can be forced to cool the compressed air below the required dew point temperature, which will contain a large number of water vapor, oil mist condensed into droplets, separated by gas and liquid, discharged from the drainage machine, the compressed air drying.



タグ :laser pointer

Posted by laserman at 18:36Comments(0)Technology