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The Spatial Distribution of Laser Beams

Laser spatial distribution measurement is an important branch of the laser measurement system. It is mainly composed of two parts: the near field distribution of the laser beam and the far field distribution of the laser beam. With the development of laser science, the spatial distribution of violet laser pointer beam is more and more attention. In the history of the development of high power lasers, the spatial distribution of laser beams is the most important field, and its level determines the level and scale of laser devices to a great extent. Laser time measurement is mainly real-time monitoring of the final device output pulse laser waveform, each time the laser target to reach the bulls at the same time the time synchronization measurement, and ultra-short pulse test laser time measurement.

High-power lasers can produce large amounts of energy, causing some metal to evaporate. In the process of melting, the density of the steel will decrease rapidly and the volume will increase accordingly, and the movement of the material will increase, resulting in high pressure steam. At this time will produce a 'keyhole', it is the high power laser impact point on a narrow hole. The steel around the hole melts to form a pool. After the liquid steel cools, it will connect two sheets of sheet metal. The fundamental cause of most mechanical failures is the presence of defects in the weld, since the weld points are connected to different materials. If the connection is improperly handled, it will eventually cause the stress to be too large. Improper welding parameters may also cause instability of the welding point, resulting in welds in the pores, part of the penetration or undercut, resulting in the connection is not strong.

To provide customers with the right laser tailor-welded blanket, you need to choose the correct combination of welding parameters. By adjusting the grade and thickness of the steel plate in order to meet the customer to meet the vehicle crash test specifications, weight requirements and cost requirements of the burning laser tailor welded blanks. A series of process conditions are determined by simulation to ensure that defective welds are produced. Knowing the physical phenomena of these interactions and coupling them together for simulation, rather than doing multiple studies in parallel, gives us a great deal of convenience. Has been committed to helping the automotive industry to reduce the weight of the body and to ensure that the welding products have excellent quality, so as to protect the driver in the safety of driving a car.

The use of advanced high-strength pressure hardening steel, the installation of the steel plate was optimized, so that the specific area of ​​the car to maintain the strength of the performance at the same time more thin. Ultimately, it is desirable to achieve excellent welding quality to ensure that the welding meets the safety requirements of the crash test. A safe welding can not be broken or broken during the test, otherwise the weldment will not pass the safety test. The use of laser welding of concentrated heat source will be converted into molten metal molten steel, used to form a narrow and deep weld.

Laser time synchronization (equal to the optical path) measurement, refers to the multi-beam laser synchronization to reach the target time measurement, laser pointer beam target power balance is an important guarantee. According to physical calculations, if the two beam synchronization time difference of 25 ps will lead to 10% power imbalance. And the power balance is extremely important for achieving uniform compression of the target. US LLNL laboratory synchronization accuracy requirements of 10 ps. The time synchronization accuracy of the integrated unit is 10 ps. If the infrared stripe camera is used to assist the fine adjustment and control, the synchronization accuracy can be improved. In April 2000, the highest yield of neutron production was 3.9 × 109, which was the highest level of the same kind of equipment in the first round of the direct drive experiment. The time synchronization accuracy was 6 ps.



タグ :laser

Posted by laserman at 18:58Comments(0)Technology


Laser Fiber Coupler

While the market is demanding high demand from the market to reduce processing steps, reduce material waste and dry process and other factors continue to drive, is also a strong impetus to the 10mw laser pointer manufacturers and laser system integrators to provide continuous discussion, asking them not only to provide Traditional mechanical processing alternatives, but also continue to enhance the overall performance of laser processing solutions to the processing quality, product yield, processing speed and mass production has been a breakthrough.

In the processing requirements, the above-mentioned applications usually require the use of very sophisticated cutting, drilling and grooving processes on these brittle and brittle materials, which makes the traditional milling, grinding and grinding processes Of the challenge, because the material is extremely thin and very brittle, the process of application due to contact with the application of any stress on the material, may lead to material fragmentation, and ultimately scrapped. With the application of these brittle materials in products such as LEDs, smart phones, wearable equipment, etc., the laser, 50mw laser pointer systems and related research institutions that are working on such brittle materials are also increasing, and their efforts have This kind of brittle materials laser processing technology continues to develop.

If the laser retroreflective protection capability is not strong enough, even if the high power QBH or QD transport fiber designed to withstand the kilogram of retroreflective peeling off the fiber cladding, the back-emitting laser beam passes through the fiber core of the transfer line Reflected back into the fiber inside the laser. Even technology-leading fiber laser manufacturers have experienced a variety of painful lessons, system integrators have realized that the laser fiber coupler, or laser module will be damaged.

In contrast to the usual performance of third parties, and depending on the material and settings, the fiber laser has a retroreflective capability of up to 3 to 30 times the resistance due to its special optical configuration. In particular, the CF laser system incorporates these protection schemes that have demonstrated the offset error of the focal position in the millimeter scale that allows large amounts of brass and brass to be tested. Compared to other fiber 300mw laser pointer manufacturers, it shows a smaller focus position offset error; when operating a CF laser with a unique proprietary protection scheme, the reliability of the laser and the performance of almost no failure have been demonstrated.

Glass, ceramics, sapphire and other brittle non-metallic materials, precision machining, usually using ultra-fast laser. Ultrafast laser pulse duration is extremely short, in nanoseconds, picoseconds and even femtosecond, the role of moderate laser energy on the surface of the material, by breaking the material chemical bond to achieve the purpose of material removal, in this process, the laser energy It is too late to pass around the processing range, the process has ended, so the heat is almost negligible, the material does not produce thermal damage.



タグ :laser

Posted by laserman at 20:47Comments(0)