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Projection Market Analysis 2017

Over the past 2016, the television field said that the industry's display technology is no doubt "laser display technology." Since the laser display technology has been, the projector's combat effectiveness of the surge. In 2016 the burning laser pointer projection market, and gradually opened, and all the way soaring, according to statistics, 2016 laser projection product sales of 11 million units, compared to 2015 increased by 4 times, marking the laser projection has entered a comprehensive development Golden age.

From 2006, Mitsubishi introduced 40-inch laser TV prototype, the color TV market is still open the laser projector market model, in 2014, the international laser display technology to the early stage of industrialization, to now after years of development. 4K, laser, ultra-short focus to become the core development of the industry power. After years of development and accumulation of technological innovation in projection industry, the development of projection innovation technology has become the main core of projection market.

Laser TV works The core is the light source, the high power laser pointer emits wavelength and color of the light, through the laser in front of the special crystal or light guide to generate red, green and blue color, and then converted into the desired color. In the red, green and blue data through the internal modem, and finally converted into optical information. After a series of internal modulation, and finally projected onto the screen.

With the improvement of people's living standards, people's demand for material life is also increased year on year, from the early small-size TV to the later 55-inch TV, more and more consumers pay more attention to large-screen audio-visual enjoyment. In the past, the big screen dream of consumers in the theater, now, big screen dream is gradually into our lives our home. In Samsung, LG, Sharp and other manufacturers to increase the panel production line upgrade, Hisense is the opposite, made more than 80-inch TV "to screen" strategy, released Hisense 5mw green laser TV, which not only solved the large-screen panel supply The lack of problems, but also in the price also has a very big advantage, and this is also able to reflect the Hisense's extraordinary!

In addition to the screen size and performance advantages, the laser TV eye function is also one of the characteristics of LCD TV does not have, and eye function is also precisely to meet the needs of most consumers to buy. According to the World Health Organization's latest study shows that the current number of Chinese patients with myopia up to 600 million, almost half of the total population of China. Which the number of juvenile myopia has over seventy percent, in addition to learning pressure outside, the biggest reason from the electronic screen hazards, resulting in excessive use of eye myopia. And ordinary LCD TV imaging is completely different, 10mw laser pointer TV simulation of natural reflection imaging principle people see the screen reflects the light, real nature, no radiation, to avoid the traditional screen mirror glare and strobe and other issues.

Now there are three laser display technology, three-color laser, phosphor + blue, LED + laser, compared to the advantages of three-color laser is more obvious. Three-color laser is a high-end 1mw laser pointer projector label, the use of the technology projection equipment can easily reach more than 20,000 lumens brightness. The phosphor corresponds to the low-end projector, the highest brightness just broke 10000 lumens. Laser display technology as the industry's most development potential of the equipment, since the birth of the projector has been widely used in various industries. Because of its rich and saturated color, high brightness, long life, low cost and high environmental protection and other characteristics, as a projection and display the technological revolution of the fuse.

On the current situation, these three kinds of laser display technology may exist for some time, but the development trend seems. Three-color laser display screen is extremely delicate, than the ordinary screen projection effect is more clear. 2017 will be the laser burst years, in the laser display technology application level, China's violet laser pointer innovation technology has been in the forefront of the world. Laser display as the fourth generation of display technology, and gradually guide the development of global display technology, the future of laser display will be everywhere.



タグ :laser pointer

Posted by laserman at 17:06Comments(0)Market


Picosecond Laser Marking Machine

At present, laser processing has been widely used in laser marking, laser drilling, burning laser pointer cutting and welding, surface modification of materials, laser rapid prototyping, laser composite processing and so on. In the manufacture of smart phone components, laser processing technology can be seen everywhere, such as mobile phone shell cutting, marking, welding, motherboard manufacturing, keyboard chip markers and earphones, headphones, accessories carving and drilling and so on. In the process of marking, the general use of fiber laser marking machine for information related to the mark. Although in today's many micro-processing applications, we can use nanosecond laser marking machine to achieve, but in the degree of refinement above there are still some deficiencies. The main reason is the use of this laser equipment for mobile phone micro-processing mark, it is easy to give mobile phone-related fine products to give more heat, resulting in melting, cracking, surface composition changes and other harmful side effects. However, with the current picosecond laser marking machine, you can in the mobile phone fine mark to achieve the real heat-free processing. In the actual marking process, the use of picosecond laser equipment in the mobile phone-related products above the realization of high-speed, high-quality fine markings, and nanosecond green astronomy laser equipment is often difficult to achieve the same quality, and easy to produce various defects. A series of related problems, including edge bumps, melting, debris, substrate cracking or damage, are caused by the heating of the surface of the mark due to the long nanosecond pulse.

In addition to avoiding thermal defects, the use of today's picosecond laser devices can also improve the processing efficiency. Fine machining of mobile phone related parts using other marking equipment, interaction for a long time, which lead to more waste of energy, so the heat to melt, also can spread rapidly in the processing of modified area. On the other hand, picosecond laser equipment has a very short interaction times, almost all energy related products directly through the mobile phone parts strongest laser pointer pulse acts perpendicular to the mark, to achieve instant laser ablation, and the processing efficiency is very high.


タグ :laser pointer

Posted by laserman at 19:14Comments(0)Technology